Thursday, May 26, 2005

Babe of the week - KAREN KHUNKHUN

When you’ve got thegiftofgab, the air waves listen to you. From the edge of rock music to the newsroom, being one of few successful South Asian women in media doesn’t intimidate Karen Khunkhun, one bit. Channel surfing stops at a vibrant personality, a beautiful face, and a chic style – and she’s got it all! For the first three hours of every morning, Karen and her team at CityTV are responsible for providing a fast-paced look at the city, covering weather, traffic, news, sports,
and entertainment. Though, before Karen became Vancouver’s wake up call on Breakfast TV, she “couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to broadcasting” than at The Fox. She began her career as a traffic reporter on Fox’s Larry and Willy morning show, where she became the producer in just one year of starting. Four terrific years passed before Karen segued into her own show with co-host, Todd Hancock; together, they host the afternoon drive on 99.3 The Fox.

Not everyone can pull it off, but Karen makes live broadcast look easy and fun. “The beauty of the live broadcast is that you go in knowing that you have to improvise,” and that may be challenging at times, “but it’s what keeps [the job] very interesting.” More than capable of handling the industry’s pressure, she understands the mechanisms behind media and how it works. Karen completed her BA from Simon Fraser University as a Communications major, where she divulged the role and organization of mass media. Once she grasped the theoretical component, she continued her studies at BCIT, where she completed the Broadcast Journalism program for more applied learning. Aside from hosting and reporting, Karen also has digs behind the scenes, in production and marketing. After hosting a Hip-Hop show, “The Morning Drive By” at Co-op Radio, Karen worked in the promotions department at The Fox. From there, she made the move to LA and spent two years in marketing at Atlantic Records. This variety of experience and interest has definitely raised Karen’s Experience Quotient; it’s easy for her to improvise since she has so much to draw from, both personally and professionally. It goes hand in hand.

As a media personality for Vancouver, most of Karen’s segments inform listeners & viewers of what’s happening – and what’s not. Therefore, always in the know, Karen’s an expert social butterfly. She “loves getting together with friends for dinner and drinks” and the Elixir at the tragically hip Opus hotel is one of her favorite spots. Also, a “big concert junkie”, Karen enjoys live music and concerts of all types of music, including the theatre and opera. What about her chic style? Asthetic appeal is of great importance when you’re constantly in the public eye. And that is no problem for Karen, who is always accessorized with hip shoes and a funky handbag. Ras Vasanji, owner of Yaletown’s VASANJI, shares her eye for style. Karen loves his vision, as “he always has the best mix of clothes from dressy to casual…from funky to classic.” In spite of her local fame, Karen remains a down to earth, personable and fun character. Her positive influence is particularly focal, considering Journalism and Broadcasting careers are so popular among aspiring young adults these days. Humbled, Karen is “honored to serve as a role model” and thinks that it is “important for young folks to feel as though they can do anything that they set their minds to – if seeing me on TV or hearing me on the radio makes one young person pursue [his/her] dreams, then I would feel that my job here is done.” Karen credits her parents for much of her personal inspiration, “they are both amazing
individuals” and have always encouraged her to pursue her dreams. She emphasizes “…to never give up. Be very persistent and never stop working towards your goals.” Karen also knows the feeling of flipping to her favorite show and wanting to be the host. “Oprah has always been a role model of mine,” admits her biggest fan. “A
minority female, overcoming so many obstacles and accomplishing so much…she is truly inspirational.” Well, hosting her very own television show may not be too far off. With Karen’s ambition and diligence, it’s inevitable.

Song for the day - "Wasting My Time" - DEFAULT


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