Thursday, August 19, 2004

What is it with our Dad's that when they start cooking in the kitchen they automatically become housewife's?? It's true, with my mom staying at my sister's apartment in the city, my dad was cooking most of our meals. And if I offered any comments or suggestions he was acting worse than an old nagging housewife. No kidding! He force fed me his dosas inspite of me not being hungry (I had been skipping breakfast for a few weeks, only having my fav stuff if they were made), but no - tell that to my dad ....."I made them, eat them or else I'll kick ur butt"!!

Just saw "Van Helsing" at the theatre. Not so great. Come to think of it a documentry of Van Basten or better Van Halen would have been better.

Babe of the week - Aussie long legs Tania Zaetta