Friday, October 01, 2004

On a program on AXN I saw a woman who mummifies ur pets - mostly cats & dogs - after they die, so u can keep them nearby as a rememberance. They showed this young woman, whose cat died & she approached this woman who did the macabre service for her. I don't know about u, but I found it sick. I mean, fuck, of all the thing... what next, stuff & keep granny next to ur sitting room shelf so everyone can admire her! What a waste of money!!

A couple of collegues & I were discussing the things people do for money in FEAR FACTOR. Some of the tasks I can agree with, but some r so fucking stupid. For 50,000 dollars, u can suck an elephant's dick! That is coming up next. Those idiots on the show will do it as well. I stopped watching the show after a couple of episodes.

Babe of the week - ELIZA DUSKU

She who acted as Arnold Schwarzenneggar's daughter in TRUE LIES, was in a couple of other movies I saw but is most famous for FAITH; the bad girl vampire slayer from the BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER series!! I recently saw her after a long time firstly in ANGEL & then in BUFFY. She can (s)lay me!! growlll.

Song for the day - "Californication" - Red Hot Chilli Peppers