Friday, June 10, 2005

I am growing a beard at the moment. This is usual for me, every year I give my face a vacation from constant use by a razor and shaving cream and let the jungle grow. This is usually only for 3 to 4 weeks. I haven't shaved for 3 weeks now and will soon have to take blade to beard. What I don't like is the constant nagging questions from family, friends & at work. I have had 13 "nirasha kamugan anno? (ditched lover)", 6 "are you going to Shabarimala?", 3 "is blades too expensive? I will buy you one!" & 3 girls who said not to be sad, "I will marry you even if whoever broke your heart won't!" People!!! Can't a guy grow his beard in peace?

Song for the day - "Cool Summer Night" - LISA BROKOP